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Childcare Provision

Breakfast Club

Our breakfast club starts at 7:30am. Children can choose from a range of breakfast cereals, toast or crumpets. There is then a variety of activities for different age groups to choose from such as Lego, swing ball, football, arts and craft and many more.


The cost of the session is £2 per child. We do prefer parents to pay in advance for this but realise that in some circumstances this may not be possible. All payments must be made on ParentPay.

After School Club

After school club is available everyday until 4.30pm (Children can be collected before 4.30pm). Children will be given toast, biscuits and juice.

The cost of the session is £3.00 per child. We do prefer parents to pay in advance for this but realise that in some circumstances this may not be possible. All payments must be made on ParentPay.

15 spaces are available for after school club and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Once you have booked, you have until 2.30pm on the day to call the office and cancel the space if no longer required. If you require a last minute space, call the office and we will let you know if we can accommodate.

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