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Governing Body


Our Governors are representatives of the local community, parents, school staff and work closely with the Trustee Board of SLP Multi Academy Trust.  They bring a range of interests knowledge and skills to the school whilst working in a voluntary capacity.


Our Governing Body is responsible in partnership with SLP for ensuring that the school is run to promote the very best of outcomes for children.

Its duties include:

  • supporting the Trust Board and the School's Senior Leadership Team in setting strategic direction, school policies and objectives


  • providing appropriate challenge and support to the headteacher

The Governing Body is made up of:

  • parents governors (elected by parents)

  • staff representatives (elected by school staff)

  • community governors (appointed by the governing body)

  • A Trustee can be invited to attend Governor's meetings at anytime during each academic year.

Governor Structure


✓ – Attended meeting

A/A – Apologies sent and accepted by meeting

N – Did not attend

X – Not a member of the committee

NQ – Non Quorate

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