Welcome to East Stanley Primary School
Our Ethos:-
Working Together,
Learning Together,
Sharing Success.
Our vision:-
At East Stanley School, our vision is to create a school which is at the heart of the community. A place where we will encourage independence and creative thinking, by providing our children with the skills that will enable them to achieve their full potential in our constantly changing world.
Our aims:-
Our curriculum will:
Develop confident, independent and well-rounded individuals who are well prepared for their next steps in education, life and work;
Develop a high standard of basic skills, including the ability to communicate well;
Develop creativity and problem solving skills in the children and give them opportunities to use their own initiative, as well as work as part of a team;
Encourage high aspirations and the drive to learn, with the resilience needed to overcome obstacles;
Teach the children how to make healthy lifestyle choices, how to take managed risks and how to stay safe;
Give the children an understanding of their own and others’ cultures and traditions and an appreciation of the benefits of diversity;
Develop good relationships between all in school, where everyone shows tolerance and respect for the values and beliefs of others;
Provide a wide range of first hand experiences to enhance learning.